Welcome to IAFOR’s Online Store.
Register and purchase places for Events, Conferences, and Short Courses.
IAFOR does not store Credit/Debit Card details and you will be asked to enter your card details each time you make a purchase/booking. Please note that registrations will only be confirmed once you have made a payment.
Online credit card payments are securely handled by PayPal and Stripe.
We accept the following payment methods:
Conferences in Barcelona, Spain (12)
Conferences in Honolulu, Hawaii (7)
Conferences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (3)
Conferences in London, UK (22)
Conferences in Paris, France (12)
Conferences in Tokyo, Japan (39)
Free for Members (20)
Member Discount (75)
Side Events (4)
The IAFOR Undergraduate Research Symposium (2)